Joanna L. Stith, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Building the foundation of learning to listening requires
Wearing the hearing aids/ cochlear implant throughout all waking hours.
Checking the child's hearing aids/ cochlear implant multiple times throughout the day. This can be done through acoustics, like the Ling 6 sounds, and behavioral checks, does your child turn when called, respond consistently from day to day?
Using clear well-articulated speech when around the child
Reducing any background noise in the child's listening in environment.
Parent/ Caregiver requirements for successful auditory-verbal therapy
Bring a notebook to all therapy sessions; a three-ring binder with pockets and dividers will help to stay organized. This is used for you to record new goals, ideas for home activities, and used also to record your child's progress throughout the week.
An experience book is used to record your daily activities with your child; this can be a photo album, scrapbook, even a notebook. It is used to look back on activities of the week, to discuss past experiences and also to encourage you to discuss daily activities. Often, with the beginning child, you may simply draw a stick figure or pictures, even small objects of where you went, or activities you did that day. Later with progress, you or your child may write small subheadings with pictures or stories.
You will be asked to plan a few activities often and bring them to therapy, this enables you to think openly and freely about your child's goals and new ways you can work toward meeting them.
You will interact with activities during the therapy session. My goal is to guide and teach you, the parent/caregiver, to help your child listen to the best of their ability. You are the primary teacher for your child with auditory-verbal therapy.
What To Expect From Your Child During the First Year
Follow simple one step commands
Develop object permanence; understand that an object continues to exist even when they can no longer see it.
Vocalizes when spoken to
Turns to localize where sound is coming from
Talks to mirrors and toys
Quiets when wearing hearing aids, and is noisy when they are off
Reacts to hearing a loud sound by smiling, quieting, or being still
Responds to noise-making toys
Responds to environmental sounds (doorbells, telephones, knocking, barking, etc.)